Facebook and Brands

Is facebook a channel for boosting Brands? According to My little knowledge on Brand, yes and no. A facebook page is not a guarantee to boost a brand in fact it might be a cause of a disaster depending on how it is managed. 
Lately there's a notion among-st the up coming entrepreneurs especially at the retail level that all you need is a facebook page, upload the pictures of your products and voila, you are selling. People quit their day jobs using this plan and its painful to watch a good talent go to waste because of this misplaced assumption.  
A brand is an experience (emotional and practical) and a mere Facebook page with some likes for a brand without proper management, constant interactions and relevant content sharing with your audience is just like an expensive billboard on a countryside highway where nobody sees it and those who sees it don't give a hoot! . 
Now, don't get me wrong, a facebook page is useful especially when introducing a product, monitoring customer experiences, hearing them and adjusting as necessary. This is the platform when your customers get down to earth and give you their honest opinions (sometimes very hostile opinions) but opinion all the same, who said its a bed of roses? You need to listen, respond, be consistent, share content and watch your page grow organically not a forced 'like our page' that adds no value to your customer base..... how many of you sometimes feel like they are being arm twisted into liking a facebook page? ...Yes, me too.


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